Stretch with Lex

Website redesign for a fitness brand
Redesigning a Website for a Fitness Brand Stretch with a Lex, UX Case Study

Project Overview


Alexis Moore, an L.A.-based fitness instructor on a mission to share the power of stretching to revitalize you both mentally and physically. Not able to teach stretching classes in studio during the pandemic she launched her digital brand Stretch with Lex.

I am a big fan of Alexis' stretching classes and I offered her to improve the user experience on her website.


  • Create a responsive website design
  • Increase bookings through the website
  • Design a logo


Users have hard time understanding what is offered, at what price and how to find it, they are pushed away by imagery and inconsistent visuals.


Redesign the website so that the navigation is seamless, all the offers and prices are easy to find, and the visuals are positive and inspiring.

Design Process

01 .Research

Research Goals

Competitive Analysis

Online fitness is a relatively new already bustling industry. My research showed that stretching and flexibility classes are still a very rare and new offering. I determined that small brands websites (like Desert Ballet and Stretch like Gymnast) often suffer from usability issues and have overwhelming experience , whereas bigger brands websites (like StretchLab) lack personality .

User Interviews

User Pattern: Work Out for Free Now

I suggested introducing a tiered offering for the client to satisfy both the user needs and the client's business needs.

With the rise of Youtube workouts the new user patterns emerged - working out to a pre-recorded video for free became a pattern.  Zoom / IG lives have also become a pattern and users were looking for it during the interviews.

Thumbnail of the Chloe Ting Program on Youtube

Key Research Insights

  • Users are confused about the offerings (what's the difference between a guide and a plan?)
  • New users were looking for a trial or something free to get an idea of a class
  • Users couldn't find prices
  • Users intuitively were looking for ZOOM lives to see how much is the class and what's the schedule
  • 2 out of 6 users considered the hero banner inappropriate, most users were pushed away by harsh visuals

User Persona

I empathized with my users and envisioned Rachel - a busy marketing manager, who wants to work out not only to get stronger and more flexible, but also to improve her mental health.

02 .Strategy

Tiered Offering

I worked with the client to agree on reshaping her offerings. She wasn't paying attention to Free workouts on Youtube and IG, which was a missed an opportunity, according to my research.

We also decided to bring back Zoom lives, because users were looking for it and introduce Outdoor classes as lockdowns were ending.

Product Roadmap

I wanted to prioritize certain pages and features for this project, so that my redesign could bring the most value to the user.

The All Programs Page was especially important, since it didn't exist before at all. Users wanted to see all the offerings in one place with prices.

The Free Workouts page was also crucial, since a lot of users want to workout for free, but there wasn't new content created for it yet, so I decided to just do the wireframes for that page.

Improving Navigation

The biggest improvement to the websites's site map was adding the All Programs page, that didn't exist before. The users also highlighted the need to get a taste of the workout right away. That is why I decided to rework the Free Workouts page, so that it contains easily accessible workout videos - Youtube videos and IG TV videos.

Site Map

03 .Design

User Flow

I focused on creating two main user flows - for Paid workouts (the flow existed before but was confusing for the user) and for Free Workouts. A user need for free workouts was highlighted during the interviews, since there is an already existent patter of working out for free.

See the full user flow


Improving navigation meant creating a user-friendly architecture where it's really easy to find any offer, learn more about it and sign up. The key digital offering that she wanted to focus was the Releasing Resistance program.

So in a matter of several days the idea turned from sketches...
... into wireframes. It was especially important to create the All Programs page where all the offers would be displayed. This page didn't exist before at all.

Logo Redesign

The logo redesign also went from notebook sketches ...

... to the high-fidelity logos: from the brush style to eventually the final version. I liked Gotham typeface here for its clean, confident and modern aesthetic. The two lines add dynamic to the logo. This logo will also be easy to replicate across all the marketing channels: emails, print and etc.

Iteration 1
Iteration 2

Design Iterations

I first created a design based on my assumption that the client would want something calming, soft and relaxing. I worked with pastel colors, white wash gradients and the purple hues interviewees liked so much during the research part.

However, the client decided that she wants to go in a different direction. She wanted it to be bright, invigorating and energizing and pastels didn't speak to her.

So I went back to the drawing board.

Responsive UI

I wanted to make this design feel fresh and glowing, inspiring to stretch, to work out and to take it easy. The users loved the host's energy and positive aura, so I wanted to show that in the design by adding sunny bright gradient. It was important to create design for mobile, because a lot of the users book classes from their phones. I also worked on photos in Photoshop to make them feel consistent and appropriate. CTAs became hot fuchsia, which made them pop and easy for the user to focus on. It also made the client happy, cause she saw some of her brand legacy in it.

Style Tile

 In this Style Tile I added more welcoming and calming colors while still keeping the legacy hot fuchsia for the CTA and accent color. My goal was to create a more timeless aesthetic, inspire, invigorate the users and make them feel at ease while browsing for the right offer. I chose Avenir as the main typeface for it's clean and slightly rounded look.

UI Kit

The challenging part was to show the two tracks in the Releasing Resistance Program. Eventually I found a solution by creating a smaller card for Self-Study, a bigger card for the Full Program option and a comparison chart. The user testing later showed that these were successful solutions.

See the full UI Kit

04 .Prototype & Testing

Usability Testing

Key Outcomes

  • 100% of the users were able to complete both tasks!
  • 75% of the users highlighted the welcoming and consistent UI
  • The note Lex was helpful in the hero section, since users didn't know that that is the trainer

Let's Compare!

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of testing. Testing has helped me a lot to define and better my designs, especially for the Product Page.
  • Plan for iterations. I assumed that client wanted pastels and generally a soft look for the website, but it wasn't necessarily the direction that the client wanted to go to.
  • Better manage client's expectations. I spent way too much time working on the Squarespace website when it wasn't really within the scope of the project. However, I felt bad not giving the client  some tangible results right away.

Thank you for reading Stretch with Lex case study!